The average price of a pint is now three pounds, I`m a keen drinker and casual smoker, being in my early forties I sometimes look back fondly to a time when a pint was cheap and I could sit with my friends and shoot the breeze inside a busy pub and have a smoke with my pint, now of course sadly thanks to the increasingly nannying state and rent seeking one issue fake charities etc who jump on the bandwagons telling us what to and not to do that is no longer possible.
It`s all part of the Zombification of the population, the constant unrelenting nannying is creating a population who can barely think for themselves, who look to the state and their usefull idiots to tell them what to do, how to do it and how much its going to cost them or how much nanny will pay them if they toe the line and keep voting for them.
Anyone who now behaves, speaks or thinks outside the ever decreasing government approved box is now considered at best an anarchist or at worse a security threat, try taking a picture in a public place or smoke inside or outside or walk down the street drinking from a can or start a business without all the boxes being ticked or smoke an exotic weed or slap the hand of your naughty child or pick a wild flower or shoot a rabbit in a field with an air rifle or buy a knife or be overweight or drop some litter or make too much noise or offend someone with an opinion or protest or gather as a group or be young or be old or object to being manhandled by the police for victim less crimes or walk across the countryside or build an extension without permission or pay someone what they are worth or not hand over half your wages to the state or kill a invader in your home or carry a weapon to protect yourself or speak to a child thats not your own or assist an injured person or live an alternative lifestyle or carry work tools onto a bus or have a late party or burn garden waste in your garden or confront the local toerags or gather dead wood for the fire.
I could go on, you can add your own, do any of these thing and sooner rather than later the outraged and offended will demand you are stopped and punished or the state apparatus will come down upon you from on high and punish you. It`s all part of the deliberate Zombification of the public by the state, assisted by their usefull idiots who will not be satisfied even when we are all shuffling quietly to and from our guvmint approved jobs eating the same thing, drinking the same thing, thinking the same thing, wearing the same thing, buying the same thing, paying our taxes and dieing quickly and quietly when we have outlived our usefulness all the while watched, monitored, punished, nudged, commanded, prodded, beaten, killed, taxed and led by the state while they of course live lavishly by their own rules off the fat of our labour.
Fear of Zombies, well yes we should all fear them and if you don`t then you are or are on your way to being a Zombie yourself, sorry to break the bad news. They`re all around us see, some full blown others in the early stages of their transformation, "save us Sgt Prepper save us" I hear you wimper, it`s time to man up and face the threat people, I wont be there for you when the Zombie hoard is eating your flesh so you better get prepping for the day of the Zombie Apocalypse.
Thats an order!
Thats an order!
Zombie Night Attack
Your On Your Own (YOYO) thats right, no ones coming to help you, you and your family wake up in the morning and there`s been a Zombie attack on your areas water, gas and electric infrastructure during the night, the lights don`t work because there`s no electric and there`s no running water or gas, you look out of the window and see some of your neighbours wandering around confused and edgy, what do you do?
Panic, sit and wait for the Guvmint to come to your rescue and take you off to a holding camp what!.
You know what you do, you double check your home security and make yourselves a good breakfast, kick back relax and listen in on your radio for news, your informed by the news reader that many Zom`s have been destroyed however an unknown number are still in the area and it will take three days to repair the damage they`ve done, this is a Shit Hit The Fan (SHTF) situation that you`ve been prepping for isn`t it?
Water, two gallons per person per day for at least three days for drinking/cooking
Water butts of rain water for flushing the loo
Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
Cooking facilities, eg camping stove, wood burner.
Batter-powered or hand-cranked radio and weather radio
Flashlights, extra batteries
Books and board games
First-aid kit
Extra blankets
Dust masks
Moist towelettes
Garbage bags
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Can openers
Local maps
Mobile phones and solar chargers
Effective weapons to ward off Zombies
Bug Out Bags
Panic, sit and wait for the Guvmint to come to your rescue and take you off to a holding camp what!.
You know what you do, you double check your home security and make yourselves a good breakfast, kick back relax and listen in on your radio for news, your informed by the news reader that many Zom`s have been destroyed however an unknown number are still in the area and it will take three days to repair the damage they`ve done, this is a Shit Hit The Fan (SHTF) situation that you`ve been prepping for isn`t it?
Water, two gallons per person per day for at least three days for drinking/cooking
Water butts of rain water for flushing the loo
Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
Cooking facilities, eg camping stove, wood burner.
Batter-powered or hand-cranked radio and weather radio
Flashlights, extra batteries
Books and board games
First-aid kit
Extra blankets
Dust masks
Moist towelettes
Garbage bags
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Can openers
Local maps
Mobile phones and solar chargers
Effective weapons to ward off Zombies
Bug Out Bags
Thats an order!
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